Specialty RCM Services
Rely on Our Team of RCM Experts
It has become increasingly more challenging to identify, hire, and retain quality RCM employees. This can be especially difficult for specialty practice areas like anesthesiology, radiology and pathology. Trust the experienced team at i3 Healthcare Solutions to manage your revenue cycle. With more than 50 years of industry experience, we facilitate the electronic transfer of data, scrubbing batches for incorrect billing information, lockbox processing, and follow-up activities to ensure accurate, timely payments.

- i3 Verticals
- Healthcare
- Revenue Cycle Management
- Specialty RCM Services
Knowing Specialty Related Nuances is Our Specialty
Revenue Cycle Management is not a one size fits all solution. At i3, we know and understand all the unique challenges associated with each medical specialty. Medical Billing is complex and requires knowledge of payer specifics related to each specialty, ever-changing regulatory requirements and a shift in how care is provided. Our edge? Our expert team can fill in the gaps where technology hasn’t yet caught up.
Our Specialty RCM Services
Seamless Information Exchange
Pre-built interfaces connect our billing solutions with your EHR to facilitate fast turn-around times and nightly updates.
Real-time Eligibility
Verify Medicaid eligibility through batch process and provide real-time eligibility for many major payers. Proactively perform Medicaid checks to avoid erroneous billing of Medicaid patients that were loaded as self-pay with responses saved for future reference.
Demographic/Charge Downloads
Facilitate electronic transfer of patient demographic, insurance data, and charges from your EHR to our billing platform.

Claim Scrubbing
i3 Healthcare Solutions scrub batches using ICD/CPT coding specifications to identify incorrect billing information to ensure only accurate and properly documented services are billed.

Specialty Related Expertise
- Radiology: We use Natural Language Processing (NLP) to support CPT and ICD integrity. Our policy team ensures compliance with both state and federal regulations. In addition, our contract maintenance team ensures that clients benefit from the best agreement terms and receive the negotiated rates.
- Pathology: Our work includes advanced coding knowledge for both CPT and ICD selections. i3 works with payers to achieve state-level professional component clinical reimbursements where possible.
- Anesthesiology: Anesthesia is a unique specialty with a focus on time units as well as American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) values and understanding these aspects helps determine whether there is medical direction or single provider care. We work closely with our clients in medical academic institutions to ensure appropriate documentation in this nuanced environment.