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Records and Database Management Software

Manage All Records From a Centralized Location

The i3 Public Sector Records Database Management system helps law enforcement agencies and their users centralize and manage all criminal, personnel, and property data digitally. The system drastically improves accessibility and helps staff across departments stay organized and working towards the same goal. We support a large range of files to ensure you can build a true one-stop database for all relevant data coming into your organization.

cybersecurity concept Global network security technology, business people protect personal information. Encryption with a padlock icon on the virtual interface.

Get Your Team on the Same Page

The i3 Public Sector Records and Database Management system compiles all relevant data into a single location to allow your team to access all documents easily. By consolidating data, it’s easier than ever for team members across departments to access the same information to prevent miscommunication and siloed data. In the justice world, having the same access to information can assure all decisions are made based on the complete data available rather than odds and ends. Our public records management software brings all team members together in a collaborative, transparent channel of communication.

The Records and Database Management Solutions

InterOp Records Management System (RMS) is a scalable, configurable solution designed to consolidate data storage. InterOp RMS supports criminal, staff, and property data in all the most common formats. In addition, the system aids in Intelligence/Suspect Tracking as well as fleet maintenance, personnel training, reporting, database searches, and more.  

  • Report incidents in a fraction of the time as legacy systems complete with NIBRS Classification, photos, and profiling
  • Report accidents and easily diagram the scene within the system
  • Manage all relevant police/legal documents including reports, warrants, subpoenas, and citations management
  • Conduct field interviews and upload them with images alongside text
  • Create a digital photo lineup to quickly allow witnesses to pinpoint a suspect
  • Manage all digital evidence from one secure location
  • Create reports for SCAAP, Social Security, and more

CrimiNet is an agency’s portal to the FBI’s National Crime Information Center (NCIC). CrimiNet acts as a simpler method of access into NCIC for all authorized agencies. Agencies can use the system to notify NCIC when key events happen, and identifying information about a person’s vehicles, boats, guns, or articles can be sent directly to NCIC. Any involved agency can use the system to communicate back and forth with updates. Easily track access via the audit log, and access most recently-used forms with the forms memory library. CrimiNet is packed with useful features designed to improve the way your organization accesses criminal information. 

  • Locally hosted for a drastically faster load time
  • Automatically track all interactions, submissions, and shares in auto-updated audit logs
  • Set alarms to notify when a file matches a wanted criminal
  • Integrate with records management software to eliminate double entry of warrants and other data

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