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Mobile Officer Experience Software

Perform Routine Tasks From Patrol Vehicles

The i3 Public Sector Mobile Officer Experience solution empowers police patrols to interact with other units, query databases, and complete reports from their patrol vehicle. The system improves turnaround time for reports and gives officers on-demand access to important information.

Male police officer working on laptop in car, filling data in crime report

Information Where and When Officers Need It

Officers can spend entire shifts driving around on patrol. Because patrol officers are mostly on the go, their information should be too. i3 Public Sector offers a unique Mobile Officer Experience solution to help patrol officers query databases, pull up information, communicate with other officers, and more. Having access to information on the go allows officers to be self-sufficient, saving crucial minutes in the event of an emergency.

Mobile Experience Features

InterOp Mobile

InterOp Mobile includes a long list of features designed with the officers in mind. The system is highly secure to ensure no data is accessed by anyone other than the officers authorized to use the program. In just a few clicks or a brief search, officers can pull up information needed to handle the situation at hand.  

  • Provide law enforcement with seamless NCIC access and telescoping queries while in patrol vehicles or on foot patrol
  • Back up all files with CJIS encryption and advanced authentication protocols designed to protect sensitive data
  • Map other available units in real time with GPS and street data
  • Create e-Tickets with instant population from NCIC, scanned IDs, etc.
  • Send hit alert broadcasts to all units with the click of a button
  • Search for suspect names or vehicles across multiple agencies 

Let's Problem Solve Together

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