Driver Licensing Software Solutions
The Modern Way to Issue Licenses
i3 Public Sector works to make the roads safer by digitizing the processes associated with issuing permits and licenses to drivers. Our licensing and permitting software collects applicant information to ensure all individuals are cleared to operate vehicles based on past records.

- i3 Verticals
- Public Sector
- Transportation
- Driver Licensing and Permitting
Software Solutions for Drivers
Obtaining a driver’s license is a big step in anyone’s life. Driving gives individuals more freedom by allowing them to travel outside of their usual bubble. However, vehicles are complex machines that can be dangerous in the wrong hands. i3 Public Sector has developed the Drivers Licensing software to promote more thorough background checks of applicants using information from databases such as Social Security, SAVE, and more. Our solution can aid issuing departments by pulling identifying information, managing digital files, tracking driver/applicant status, and more.
Driver Licensing
The Driver Licensing System initiates the collection of applicant information required to process a new or renewal of a driver’s license. A customer search is performed to determine if the user is already in the system to comply with AAMVA’s policy of One Driver, One Record. Background checks are automatically started to SSOLV for Social Security checking, SAVE for Immigration information, AAMVA, and EVVE for birth certificate validation. Users can input any required information and payment can be made immediately or scheduled for later.
- Generate credentials for drivers only after a comprehensive history check – this helps protect the public by only allowing competent, safe drivers on the road
- Support Graduated Driver Licenses, Instruction Permits, Commercial Licenses, Non-Commercial Licenses, and non-Driver Identification cards from a single software
- Support Standard, Real ID and Enhanced licenses
- Capture and track all records including convictions, points, accidents, etc. to build accurate records of all drivers and applicants.
- Send warnings, suspension reinstatements, and other non-compliance documents from within the platform.
- Provide access to authorized third parties to improve the channel of communication.
- Schedule appointments online with an intuitive calendar