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What to Look for in School Event Ticketing and Management Software

Events are so very important to school communities. From sports to theater, music, dances, festivals and more, school events bring people together, promote healthy activities, develop student skills, and foster school spirit.
But it can’t be denied that school events are also a lot of work for staff and volunteers.
One way to make events planning and management easier is to implement an online school event ticketing and info hub system. With the right software tools, your school or district can automate many of the time-consuming tasks associated with events. For parents, students and community members, these same tools make the ticket buying and event attendance experience better too.
Here are a few important things to look for in selecting a school event ticketing and info hub software system.

Robust Capabilities

Good school events software should be able to do everything you need without being overly complex to use.
Look for these capabilities:
  • Dedicated event webpages, so you can promote events using a link that goes straight to each individual event’s info and ticketing. This makes event marketing so much more effective.
  • Online ticket sales with all the bells and whistles, including, when needed, seat selection, tiered pricing, discounts and promotions, season passes, restricted tickets, volume-capped sales, and more.
  • QR code ticketing for ease of use by attendees and fast scanning at entrances. This can all be accomplished with software and mobile apps on existing phones, tablets, and laptops. No special hardware purchases should be necessary.
  • Integrated on-site ticket sales
  • Events communication, so you can email ticket buyers or event registrants with updates and reminders, parking info, entrance info, etc.
  • Events merchandise sales
  • Cost-effective ticket sales transaction fees

Ease of Use

We’ve all tried software that was too complicated or poorly designed. What happened next? We didn’t use it. Look for school events software with an intuitive, clean interface and easy-to-use features.

Revenue Control/Reporting

With a good school events software tool, all events revenue is gathered in one place. This makes it simple to track, reconcile, and report out.
All of us are getting increasingly accustomed to using our phones to purchase everything with credit cards. But if you accept cash for ticket purchases as well, look for school event software that will allow your ticket takers to enter the cash transactions into the system, too, lowering the risk of theft or oversight.

Integration with Your Student Information System and Family Payment Portal

Not only are the best school event software systems a cinch for staff and volunteers, they’re also easy for families to access and use.
If you choose events software that integrates with your family payment portal and student information system, parents can simply log in as they normally do and buy tickets with the accounts they already use to pay for lunches, school fees, and more.
Of course, choosing a software company you trust is fundamental to the school event software selection process. With PaySchools Events software, you’ll know you’re getting i3 Education’s decades of K-12 experience and award-winning customer support in addition to all of the essential software features and capabilities listed in this blog post.
If you have questions or would like to arrange a demo, talk to your i3 Education rep about how PaySchools Events and i3 Education’s other software tools can help your school or district run events that are easy to manage and well-attended.

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