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Author name: Dave Brener

Four Fixes for Your Lethargic Lunch Line

For many students, the lunch period is a chaotic, anxiety-producing whirlwind of 25 to 30 minutes from bell to bell. Twenty-five to thirty minutes to dismiss from a class, get to their lockers, then to the cafeteria, wait in line, get to a seat, eat, dispose of their trash, and get to their next class. The answer is quite simple; demand that your administration provide more time for lunch.

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Four Tricks for Overcoming the New Year Participation Dip

In my years operating within the National School Breakfast and Lunch Programs, one thing I have come to expect each January is the lull in meal participation and sales that occurs in the first several weeks following the holiday break. Although my observation is entirely anecdotal, I have had this conversation with colleagues and many state similar occurrences.

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#NSLW22: Celebrating School Lunches, Advocating for All They Can Be

During National School Lunch Week (NSLW) 2022, from October 10th through October 14th, we have the opportunity to recognize a truly underappreciated program in the American education system, the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). Officially placed into observance in 1962, the actual program and official efforts to improve the nutritional status of millions of American children date back to 1946. The strides made over the decades undoubtedly deserve to be honored, especially with schools being recognized as the healthiest place Americans are eating.

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